
创建时间:  2016-11-01  刘佳    浏览次数:

主题: 关于商务博客的多维度分析
主讲人:吴羊 菠菜资源平台大全博士
Using a corpus-based multi-dimensional analysis, this study investigates the functional linguistic variations in corporate blogs that are distinguished linguistically. A 590,520-word corpus consisting of 1,020 textual posts from 41 top-ranked corporate blogs is analyzed for this purpose. In the multi-dimensional analysis, 32 linguistic features in the corpus are tagged, counted and normalized. The normalized frequencies of these features are then used in a factor analysis, which identifies six factors: (1) personal involved narration, (2) informational production, (3) interactive persuasion, (4) abstract/impersonal style, (5) evaluative stance, and (6) general information vs. technical information. These six factors are further used as predictors in a cluster analysis, through which six clusters (text types) are identified, including the following: (1) descriptive discourse, (2) technical conversation, (3) interactive storytelling, (4) evaluative information report, (5) persuasion and (6) interactive instruction. The results of this study not only suggest a hybrid nature of corporate blogs, but also indicate that although the six text types vary in communicative purposes, they play the same role as an interactive public relations tool for attracting customers, sharing information and communicating with targeted audiences, which helps to achieve organizational goals.
Yang WU is currently a lecturer in the School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai University. She holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham and a Ph.D from the University of Liverpool. Her research interests include discourse analysis, English for specific purposes, and corpus linguistics.

