
创建时间:  2016-10-31  刘佳    浏览次数:

主题: 大选前夜话川普
主讲人:Iris Borowy教授
2016年美国总统大选结果即将揭晓,最初普遍不被看好的川普(又译特朗普)将代表共和党与政坛宿将希拉里对决。他一路过关斩将的秘诀何在?他是否可能问鼎白宫?他的参选对美国政治将产生哪些深远的影响?美国大选前夜(118日晚),我们将邀请文学院Iris Borowy教授及两名美国在华职工来一一剖析!
The 2016 US election campaign has been dominated by Donald Trump. His aggressive style of communication, his disregard of truth, his obvious ignorance of basic facts of domestic and international policy and his fondness of conspiracy theory have left part of the electorate appalled and disgusted. But despite a long list of outrageous remarks and scandals, he has continued to draw large enthusiastic crowds of followers, who remain fiercely loyal to him, apparently ready to believe anything he says. As Trump has increased his accusations that the election is "rigged" against him, it is feared that these followers will remain a challenge, and possibly a threat, to the electoral process and to peace in the American society.
The rise of Trump as a presidential candidate was long considered impossible, and it continues to baffle observers. The talk looks at some possible explanations for Trump as a social phenomenon and for its implications for the following years.
Iris Borowy is foreign expert and professor at the University of Shanghai. She was educated at the Universities of Tübingen, Germany, and Maryland at College Park, USA. In 1989 she received an M.A. in contemporary history, economics and American Studies, followed by a Ph.D. (1997) and a habilitation (2007) from the University of Rostock, Germany. She has taught and done research at the University of Rostock (1997-2010), at the Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris (2010/2011), at the Casa Oswaldo Cruz / FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, and to the University of Bergen, Norway and at Birkbeck University, London (2015). For the last ten years, her research has focused on the history of international health, of international organizations and of developmental concepts.

