
创建时间:  2016-05-24  刘佳    浏览次数:

The representation of nature and individualism in American literature
主讲人:Pierre (Peter) A. Walker(美国萨勒姆州立大学、教授)
地点:校本部C512 会议室
分类: "菠菜资源平台大全重建巴别塔"系列讲座(二十四)
The lecture explores how the American writers think about and interpret nature from the early 1600s to the 20th century. Three periods are traced: the Puritans, the Transcendentalists, and the Naturalists. Puritan writers saw nature as another text reflecting the Protestant Christian world-order. Transcendentalists understood nature as the best place to find the kind of spiritual enlightenment. The Naturalist writers portrayed nature as a hostile place that brings home to humans the insignificance and meaninglessness of their existence, especially when they act individualistically. All these writers understood nature as an expression of their world views.
彼得·A·沃克, 美国萨勒姆州立大学美国文学教授,主要教授美国文学、非洲裔美国文学、文学理论与批评、小说叙事、传记文学。他是亨利?詹姆士 (Henry James) 研究著名学者,《亨利?詹姆士书信全集》总编之一。
Pierre (Peter) A. Walker is professor of English at Salem State University, where he teaches American literature, African American literature, literary theory and criticism, narrative fiction, and autobiography. He has been the co-general editor of The Complete Letters of Henry James, is the author of Reading Henry James in French Cultural Contexts, edited Henry James on Culture: Collected Essays on Politics and the American Social Scene, and has published articles on James, African American literature, and literary theory in such journals as the Henry James Review, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, African American Review, and the Stanford Literature Review.

