
创建时间:  2016-05-24  刘佳    浏览次数:

主题: 李泽厚的哲学:美即至善
主讲人:Andrew LambertAssociate Professor, College of Staten Island, City University of New York
地点:校本部C512 会议室
Li Zehou is widely regarded as one of China's most influential contemporary scholars, and his work has been credited with helping inspire the democracy movements that arose in China in the 1980s.
While active in many areas, Li has developed a distinctive account of aesthetics, one that explores the interaction of historical, cultural and biological factors on the human subject to structure an aesthetic sensibility.
Here I examine the major features of Li's account, and the role of the aesthetic in Confucian accounts of personal cultivation. Further, I consider how the account of aesthetic cultivation offered by Li can inform and enhance traditional conceptions of beauty and aesthetics that are common in traditional Western aesthetics. Most notably, Li's account challenges the idea that aesthetic experience is a response of a disinterested observer to the formal properties of an object. Drawing on contemporary work on the aesthetic inhering in everyday experience rather than on explicitly designated works of art, this paper will critically discuss whether Li offers a robust and coherent account of the aesthetic to replace this well-established conception of beauty.
        Andrew Lambert,哲学博士,纽约城市大学史丹顿岛学院哲学系助理教授,京都大学、北京大学和香港中文大学访问学者,长期从事东方哲学的探索与研究,其研究领域包括当代伦理学理论和孔子思想的交叉点,特别是道德行为的理念与个人情感之间的关系。近年来,发表多篇有关中国哲学的论文,如:
"Confucian thought and care ethics: an amicable split?" Forthcoming in Feminist Encounters with Confucius, Mat Foust and Sor-Hoon Tan (eds).
"Rethinking disability through classical Daoist thought." Forthcoming in World Religions and Disability Studies: Making the Connections, Darla Schumm and Michael Stoltzfus (eds), Baylor University Press.
"Friendship East and West: How the Confucians help us rethink the morality of friendship." Forthcoming in Conceptualizing Friendship – its meaning and practice in time and Place, Carla Risseeuw (ed).
"Pleasure in Mencius I." Warring States Papers: Studies in Chinese and Comparative Philology, v.2 (2014).
"Ecocentrism and The Precautionary Principle." 'The Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues', Salem Press (2010).
"The way of the football fan as the life of virtue." In 'Soccer and Philosophy', Popular Culture and Philosophy series, Open Court Publishing (2010)

