
创建时间:  2016-05-09  刘佳    浏览次数:

主讲人:Frans De Laet教授
主讲人简介:Frans De Laet教授是国际翻译学界的资深学者,具有40余年的教学经验及丰富业界经验。曾任比利时布鲁塞尔高级翻译学院经理 (ISTI),长期从事欧盟部长委员会的译员培训工作。历任国际翻译家联盟(FIT)秘书长、国际大学翻译学院联合会(CIUTI)秘书长。精通荷兰语、法语、德语、英语、南非荷兰语、意大利语、西班牙语等七种语言,擅长英、德、荷、法互译。他是中国翻译协会(TAC)特邀讲座专家,同时担任北京外国语大学与西安外国语大学特聘教授。现为国际著名学术期刊BABEL: International Journal of Translation主编,兼任翻译研究领域多种国际知名学术刊物编委、顾问。
Over the past decades, lack of mastering foreign languages and ignorance of cultural diversity have become visible and even measurable obstacles to smooth political negotiations and economic prosperity. The multiplication and transnationalization of economic actors and partners of both national and regional companies followed by the delocalisation e.g. of services and the outsourcing of specific stages of the production line outside the own borders, encouraged and gave birth to extended international trading operations. That is the result of globalization which should benefit us all.
At the same time, bilateral, regional or international economic arrangements are always based on enhanced political dialogue implying the need of diplomatic meetings and cross-border legislation.
The studies conducted to date have clearly demonstrated that linguistic and cultural mediation at this stage significantly help establish a better climate for international communication and cooperation. It is with that goal in mind that future translators and interpreters are trained at university level.
However, no tennis player can ever get even into the top 1000 of the WTA/ATP ranking without thorough, extensive training. No pilot will ever own an airplane control without prior rigorous practice in the flight simulator, moreover with an experienced instructor. In other words, working life has indeed become very demanding and also the future translator and/or interpreter shall have to deal with unexpected and complicated situations and sensitive issues in the course of his training.
So, let us try to find out, together, how we can best prepare T & I trainees for a successful future.

