
创建时间:  2013-04-02  刘佳    浏览次数:

主题:Beyond Persuasion: A Proposal for an Invitational Rhetoric
主讲人:Sonja K. Foss教授(美国科罗拉多大学丹佛分校)
简介:In this presentation, Dr. Foss challenges a view of rhetoric as persuasion and proposes an alternative rhetoric that does not seek to change others but to understand them—invitational rhetoric. Based on the feminist principles of equality, immanent value, and self-determination, invitational rhetoric constitutes an invitation to the audience to enter the rhetor's world and to see it as the rhetor does. Dr. Foss explains the two primary rhetorical forms involved in invitational rhetoric—offering and the creation of external conditions—and provides some examples of invitational rhetoric. She concludes by situating invitational rhetoric in a rhetorical continuum that provides rhetors with a number of diverse rhetorical tools.
Sonja K. Foss是美国University of Colorado Denver大学传播系教授,是美国修辞学界著名的修辞学家,其多部著作是修辞学研究必读的参考资料。她对当代美国修辞理论建构、修辞批评等领域做出了突出贡献,在美国修辞学界影响深远。

