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2023年菠菜资源平台大全国际青年学者论坛(2023 SHU International Young Scholar Forum)

创建时间:  2023-09-24  华阳    浏览次数:


We live in a world that is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustments. As a result, promoting the building of a community with shared future for mankind has become an essential requirement of the new era to cope with global problems and challenges, promote the revolution of the global governance system, and realize the bright future of all mankind.


In fact, this flood of times also provides new opportunities and meanwhile requirements for the development of the discipline of Foreign Languages and Literature. Due to the diversity of civilizations, the supply of global knowledge is urgently needed for civilized exchange, mutual understanding and coexistence of civilizations, and young scholars in the field of language and literature all over the world shoulder an important historical responsibility in such a context of the once-in-a-century changes.


In order to have an in-depth study of the above issues, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Shanghai University will hold an International Young Scholars Forum on “To Bring Different Cultures Together and Promote Mutual Learning of Civilizations”. The related details are as follows:

一、论坛主题/ Forum Theme:


To Bring Different Cultures Together and Promote Mutual Learning of Civilizations

二、主要议题/ Main Topics:


Studies on Linguistics and Applied Linguistics


Studies on Foreign Literature and Comparative Literature


Studies on Translation and International Communication


Studies on Countries and Areas

三、会议组织/ Conference Arrangement


Hosted by: Shanghai University


Supervised by: Organization and Personnel Division of Shanghai University


Organized by: School of Foreign Languages Shanghai University


Co-organized by: Shanghai International Studies Association

四、会议日程/ Conference Agenda


时间/Beijing time

论坛内容/ Content


November 4th. 2023




开幕式/ Opening ceremony


主旨报告/ Keynote speeches


互动交流/ Discussion




分论坛报告/ Parallel sessions

茶歇/ Coffee break

分论坛报告/ Parallel sessions


闭幕式/ Closing ceremony

五、主旨报告专家/Keynote speakers

1. Brendan S. Gillon,Professor, McGill University, Canada

2. 陈雷,研究员,中国社科院外文所/Chen Lei, Researcher, Institute of Foreign Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

3. Wang Binhua, Professor, University of Leeds, UK

4. 西尔维斯特·奥苏,教授,图尔大学/Sylvester Osu, Professor of Enunciative Linguistics, Université de Tours, France

5. 迫田久美子,教授,广岛大学·国立国语研究所/Sakoda Kumiko, Professor, Hiroshima University/National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics

六、论坛邀请对象/ Participants


Ph.D. candidates and post-doctoral researchers (under 40 years old) in the field of Foreign Languages and Literature from domestic and international universities and research institutions.

七、论坛语言/Working language of the forum

请优先使用汉语或英语/Either Chinese or English is preferred.

八、会议费用/ Conference Expenses


No conference fees will be charged for this forum. The organizer will cover expenses such as meals, material printing, and venue rental. Travel and accommodation for keynote speakers attending the forum on site will be arranged by the organizing committee. Other participants attending on site are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses. If needed, please contact the organizing committee for assistance in booking accommodations.

九、报名方式/ Registration


Participants are expected to email the title and abstract of your report and your curriculum vitae (containing your personal experience from university to the present and a recent photograph) to sdwy_qnlt2023@126.com before October 20th, 2023. The format of your email subject should be “2023 SHU International Young Scholar Forum— Your name”. A formal invitation letter will be sent to you through email before October 30, 2023 after the School preliminarily examines the submission.

十、联系方式/ Contact Information


School of Foreign Languages Shanghai University:Ms. Zhu

联系电话/ Telephone:021-66133058

联系邮箱/ E-mail:sdwy_qnlt2023@126.com


菠菜资源网简介/Briefing on SHU


Shanghai University is a comprehensive research-oriented university in Shanghai. It is a jointly established institution by the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government. The university is a key construction institution of the national “211 Project”, a pilot institution for constructing high-level local universities in Shanghai, and a part of the national “Double First-Class” university construction initiative.


SHU presently has 20 centers for post-doctoral studies, 28 first-class disciplines doctor’s degree conferring programs, 9 doctor stations for inter-disciplines, 45 first-class disciplines master’s degree conferring programs, 1 second-class disciplines master’s conferring programs (not covering first-class disciplines), 23 master degree categories and 101 undergraduate majors; it boasts a complete range of disciplines, covering Philosophy, Economics, Law, Literature, History, Engineering, Management, and Arts.


SHU has 1 State Key Laboratory, 1 training base of State Key Laboratory, 1 international united laboratory of the Ministry of Education, 3 bases under the “Overseas Expertise Introduction Project for Discipline Innovation” (111 Project), 3 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education, 2 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education.


Today’s Shanghai University, in terms of both educational quality and overall facilities, ranks among the top institutions in China. It is striving to become a world-class comprehensive research university with distinctive features, matching the prestigious status of Shanghai city.

菠菜资源平台大全简介/ Briefing on SFL, SHU


In 1922, the Communist Party of China established its first higher education institution — Shanghai University. The following year witnessed the founding of the Department of English Literature. With the department as the predecessor, the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai University then began its evolution. In 1995, the School of Foreign Languages was formally founded.


In 2005, SFL was bestowed by Shanghai Education Commission a key project for developing its English undergraduate program. In 2006, the subject of English was rated Class A in the National Evaluation for English Undergraduate Program. SFL was then awarded the honorable title of “The National Model of College English Teaching Reform” in 2007. In 2010, SFL was authorized to offer a master program of the first-level discipline in Foreign Language and Literature (including 4 sub-fields: Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Foreign Literature and Comparative Literature, Translation and International Communication, and Country and Area Studies) and to award master’s degrees in Translation and Interpreting (MTI in English, Japanese and French). In 2014, SFL was authorized to offer a doctoral program of the second-level disciplines in Languages, Cultures and World Civilizations.


For undergraduate programs, the school now offers courses in English, Japanese and French. The enrollment of undergraduate students reaches 80 every year.

公司团队力量雄厚,现有专任教师131名,其中教授18名,副教授29名。2018-2023年获国家社科基金立项32 项(其中重大2项、重点2项),省部级及横向项目34项,SSCI、A&HCI、CSSCI等期刊论文近300篇。学院承办CSSCI期刊《上海翻译》(1986年创刊)。

The faculty includes 131 full-time teachers, among which there are 18 professors and 29 associate professors. From 2018 to 2023, SFL has undertaken 32 projects of the National Social Science Fund of China (including 2 major projects and 2 key projects), and 34 provincial-level and horizontal scientific research projects. SFL professors have chief-edited the CSSCI journal —Shanghai Journal of Translators (founded in 1986).


SFL has 7 university-level research centers, 8 school-level research centers and 1 MTI education center, covering a wide range of research fields that include foreign literature, foreign linguistics, discourse analysis and rhetoric studies, foreign language education, creative writing in foreign languages, translation and interpreting, Hai Pai culture, and international and regional studies. These research centers have promoted academic exchanges with universities in countries including US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.


Applying the national development philosophy of constructing “New Liberal Arts”, SFL, by vigorously exploring the interdisciplinary development of integrating foreign languages, Chinese and Hai Pai Culture, information technology and international communication, will focus on cultivating talents with global vision and professional competence, and prepare them for serving the needs of building socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era.

公司使命/ School Mission:


To bring different cultures together and promote mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations.

发展愿景/ School Vision:


To build a school of foreign languages that is internationally renowned, domestically leading, and distinctive in the dissemination of Chinese culture to the outside world.

人才培养目标/ Talents Cultivation Goal:


Talents Cultivation Goal: To cultivate innovative foreign language talents with Chinese soul, global vision, and outstanding capability of serving national strategies.



