
创建时间:  2014-05-12  汪旭娟    浏览次数:

ZenithOptimedia is The ROI Agency, part of Publicis Groupe, offering media services from 250 offices in 74 countries with over 6.000 staff worldwide and more digital staff than any other agency.
There are a number of divisions within the ZenithOptimedia Group – Zenith and Optimedia, plus Newcast (non-traditional solutions), Ninah (econometrics), Meridian (OOH) and Performics (performance marketing).

Publicis Groupe is present in 104 countries and through employing 58,000 professionals it is the third largest communications group in the world. Publicis Groupe is listed on the Euronext Paris [FR0000130577] and is part of the CAC 40 index.
The Groupe offers the full range of services: digital (DigitasLBi, Razorfish, Rosetta, VivaKi), traditional advertising (BBH, Leo Burnett, Publicis Worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi), public affairs, corporate communications and events (MSLGROUP), media buying and strategy (Starcom MediaVest Group and ZenithOptimedia) and healthcare communications, with Publicis Healthcare Communications Group (PHCG).

全球第二大广告集团阳狮集团下属media agency 实力传播公司招聘广告实习生,主要从事数据整理、广告分析、百度投放等相关工作,本次计划招聘5名左右的实习生,具体岗位要求如下:
Position Information
- 协助媒体计划人员执行日常媒体工作;
– 执行并整理媒体调研数据搜集与分析(如:电视收视调研、平面收看调研、户外媒体等);
– 媒体计划的资料输入;
– 日常与公司内部的相关部门联系协调与沟通。

- 全日制在校员工,课余时间充裕;
– 注重细节,耐心,工作认真负责,沟通能力良好;
– 面对压力和繁重的数据时,时刻保持冷静的头脑;
– 熟悉微软办公软件,尤其是Excel 和 PPT,熟悉Photoshop的使用;
– 大学英语六级以上,良好的英语口语和写作能力流利;
– 每周保证至少四天工作时间(周末除外),全职五天工作时间优先考虑,可实习6个月以上优先;
– 全职实习RMB 80/天,非全职实习RMB 50/天实习补贴。

请发简历 邮箱主题请标明“应聘职位,姓名,学校(年级),专业,每周可上班天数”
实习时间 3-6个月 , 每周工作4天

上一条:【实习】FESCO adecco招聘事业部人才搜索中心现招募3名实习生,有留用机会
